Bouncing Back
So, I told y'all that if I got a bad grade, I would write on it and I intend to keep my promise. I got my other grades back on Thursday and Friday and the one on Thursday absolutely broke me. I had to walk out and calm myself down in a study group, while still trying to complete the torts homework I hadn't finished (I found out the grade about 40 minutes before Torts). It was bad, y'all. Like after class my professor came up to me and asked if I had a bad cold and I had to explain that it just wasn't a good morning so far. He understood and he had even given us a pep talk prior to actually getting to the lesson. I wasn't the lowest score, but I wasn't middle of the pack either, and actually was below the average score (what a blow to the ego). So, here's how I'm dealing with my grade. Taking a night off to decompress. I took Thursday off after class to cry and forget my problems. Probably time wasted, but I was able to hang out with my roommate all n...