First Week in Review

Day 1: Nervous, exhausted, and relieved. Those are the words I would use to describe myself for my first day. Generally before something big, I get so nervous and anxious that I can hardly sleep, hence the exhausted portion of my description. My first class was legal research and writing, what an exciting way to start my day and week. But surprisingly, it wasn't half bad. It probably (read: hopefully) won't give me nightmares like McKee's legal writing class did. It went uneventfully slow, which was nice. Then I had nearly a 3 hour break between that class and next, which was filled with homework for the next days contracts class (which I had been putting off doing up until that point). My next class will probably be one of my favorite classes throughout the semester, Criminal Law and Procedure. If any of you know me, you know I love a good criminal case. I love figuring out the defenses and how to get around the defenses. Just in general, I really enjoy crimin...