Lenovo 2-in-1 laptop

This new laptop is amazing. I am absolutely in love with it. The whole thing is so light weight, and the fact that it can turn over and become a tablet makes me love it even more. It's a Lenovo yoga book 2-in-1 laptop/tablet.

My cat seems to be pretty impressed with the stylus, which I think he considers his toy. I can take hand written notes, as shown above, and they will be saved onto the laptop in a notebook. This is incredibly helpful to me since I prefer handwritten notes over typed notes, for some reason I am much better at remembering copious amounts of information if it's written.
The second thing I adore about this laptop is that if I so wish, I can put the keyboard all the way back to make it into a tablet. This will be a lifesaver for me since I have a real reading addiction. While I was in undergrad, I would carry around all of my books, my laptop if the day called for it, and my tablet reader, plus all the stuff for my physical education classes (those PE classes are how I justified a pizza a week diet). So basically, I had a crap-ton of stuff that I had to carry around. Now I have a few less things to carry around (see you around sweaty gym clothes, now you'll be staying in my car while I'm in class) but the fact that this laptop turns into a tablet is just a huge improvement in my life of "shit, what did I forget this morning."
Overall, I'm pretty impressed with this buy. I went to best Best Buy a couple weeks ago and actually told the guy working there (he wouldn't stop trying to sell a different, more expensive version of this to me [literally the cheapest one at Best Buy was like $1600.00]) that for the price they were trying to get me to pay, I might as well have gotten an Apple computer. (Disclaimer: a few more colorful words may have escaped my mouth when speaking to this annoying sales person; I only have so much patience.)
Overall, for $399 plus tax (and insurance, cause I'm clumsy. Oops) at Walmart (still not happy BestBuy) I think the money was well spent. The only thing I can think to complain about is the keyboard. The keyboard is just a flat surface and the letters light up when you slide your hand or finger across it. Most people prefer feeling the keys, but I think with a little practice I'll get the hang of it.
If you have a Lenovo computer, let me know how you like it! I've only had it one day, but I'm pretty sure whoever made this thing made it for me and others like me.

'til next time, y'all.


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