Motivation in Law School

So, today I wanted to talk about one thing that I noticed a lot of people in my group have trouble with: staying happy and motivated in law school. I'm no expert by any means on law school life, but I've noticed I'm not as stressed as everyone else is. Here are a few tips that I've found work for me. Stay ahead of the reading! Every Friday I begin working on the next weeks workload. Every day I work on my homework a little at a time. I usually wait until about noon-ish to start, but I'll then continue working until about 5 or 6 every night if possible. This allows me to not stress about the reading I didn't finish or didn't understand because there isn't a huge time crunch. Get the Barbri supplemental material. The material they include with your pre-registration for bar prep is amazing! It includes black letter law, explanations of cases, outlines, and practice exams. BUT, and this is a HUGE but, do not rely on the material solely. You shoul...