Motivation in Law School

So, today I wanted to talk about one thing that I noticed a lot of people in my group have trouble with: staying happy and motivated in law school. 
I'm no expert by any means on law school life, but I've noticed I'm not as stressed as everyone else is. Here are a few tips that I've found work for me.
  • Stay ahead of the reading! Every Friday I begin working on the next weeks workload. Every day I work on my homework a little at a time. I usually wait until about noon-ish to start, but I'll then continue working until about 5 or 6 every night if possible. This allows me to not stress about the reading I didn't finish or didn't understand because there isn't a huge time crunch. 
  • Get the Barbri supplemental material. The material they include with your pre-registration for bar prep is amazing! It includes black letter law, explanations of cases, outlines, and practice exams. BUT, and this is a HUGE but, do not rely on the material solely. You should still do the work assigned so that you fully understand the material. 

  • Make time for yourself. I'm a little bit of a work-a-holic. I love just feeling accomplished, but sometimes it just becomes overwhelming and I can't really understand the text anymore. When this happens, take a breather. I've started scheduling in time every week to where I can just hang out with friends and decompress a little. This weekend, I scheduled a day where I went to my cousins graduation party with my family (Pictures will be included down below). I also make sure there is about an hour or two every night before I go to bed that I can either just watch T.V. or listen to my audiobook. 
  • Outline early and don't put off the big stuff. Exams and assignments sneak up on you, its better to be over prepared than under prepared. I'd rather spend my last few weeks studying my outline and working on practice exams than completing my outline because I put it off til the last minute. 
  • Find a quiet place to study. A disruptive study space = less quality time with your books = stressing out. 


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