October Favorites

Hey, y'all! So as you all hopefully know, October is over! I absolutely love fall, and October is one of my favorite months because I get to tax (read: steal) candy from my nephews, I get to dress up, and it just gets a little colder around my parts. Here are a few of my favorite things from the month of October! Salted Caramel Mocha Frappuccino! I'm a huge sweets person, if it's sweet, I'm all for it. And every year around this time, Starbucks brings back the salted caramel mocha frappaccino, and I am eternally grateful! Mint. I absolutely adore anything minty, like year round, if it's minty, I'm in. I don't know where my love for mint comes from, but it's a real obsession. I have a mint body spray, body wash, and lotion that I stock up on every single year when it gets closer to winter and I'll use it year round. E.L.F. lip scrub in Cherry Tart. Lip scrubs are amazing and they are definitely needed with how many liquid lipsticks I wear...